Rushmore Jukite JuJitsu is honored to host the annual visit of O’Sensei Dr. Claude Woodson, St. Louis, MO, 10th Degree Black Belt, Jukite JuJitsu! Advanced Belt Workout on Friday night, August 17, 2012, 6:00 pm in our new dojo at General Beadle Elementary Community Center, corner N. Maple and Van Buren, Rapid City, SD, and a Junior’s class workout on Saturday, August 18, 2012, from 9:30 – 11:00 AM, and Adult class workout from approximately 12:30PM -4:00 PM. A dinner for all participants will begin at the Gaslight Restaurant, Rockerville, at 5:30 PM. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from the leader of Jukite JuJitsu!